Caldwell luc operation

Şub 12, 2022 Genel

Where is the incision for a Caldwell-Luc procedure made?

Technique. First, the incision is made from lateral incisor to the second molar tooth. Then the flap of mucosa and periosteum is elevated and dissected to expose the anterior wall of sinus and then anterior wall is opened in the canine fossa where the bone is relatively thin with the drill.

How do you do Caldwell-Luc?

The Caldwell-Luc operation involves creating an opening into the maxillary antrum through the canine fossa via a sublabial approach. puncture are used to obtain samples of pus from the antrum, to irrigate the antrum (“antral washout”), or as an adjunct to en- doscopic ethmoidectomy.

How is maxillary sinus surgery performed?

During surgery, the ENT surgeon passes a narrow tube called an endoscope into your nose. This tube has a tiny camera and a light at the end of it, so the surgeon has an excellent view of your maxillary sinus, the opening to the maxillary sinus, and the area of the nose where it drains (the osteomeatal complex).

Which of the following is a postoperative complication of a Caldwell-Luc?

The most common postoperative complications in the Caldwell-Luc approach are represented by facial swelling or numbness, facial and cheek dis- comfort, facial asymmetry, facial paresthesia in the suborbital region, hemorrhage, persistent subor- bital neuralgias, oro-antral fistulas, gingival-labial fistulas, dental …

What is antrum puncture?

What is Antral puncture? It is a procedure done both for diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis, where a canula is inserted into the maxillary sinus via an opening made in the inferior meatus.

What is a nasal antral window?

Nasal antral windows are designed to establish a. drainage port and ventilation for the maxillary sinus. The maxillary sinus window can be placed in the. middle meatus, at the site of the natural ostium, or in. the inferior meatus.

How is functional endoscopic sinus surgery performed?

In a FESS procedure, the surgeon uses a magnifying endoscope to see and remove affected tissue and bone. Before FESS, surgeons cut directly into the outside of the face to find the problem and remove it, increasing infection risk and recovery time.